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As many as 58% of organizations say that technological development will challenge their organizations to a great extent. Digitization is therefore important for voluntary organizations regarding communication, member management and activity.

Recruitment is one of the biggest challenges in volunteering. There is a lack of digital tools for recruitment, where recruitment largely takes place through networks. Surveys show that 77% have never been attempted to be recruited to do voluntary work. Of the 77%, as many as 59% say that they could imagine doing voluntary work.

Immigrants, newcomers and others are outside the scope of volunteering. Studies of immigrants’ participation in voluntary organizations have found that a lack of networks and knowledge about how to get into voluntary work is a key barrier to increased participation!

The same survey also shows that 71% think it should be easier for children and young people to find leisure activities to participate in.

We at Frivi want to do something about these numbers. Through technological innovation, we have created what we believe is the ultimate interaction tool for voluntary organizations in Norway.

What is Frivi?

Frivi makes it easy to organize groups, events, bookings, communication and collaboration whether it is in a company, a voluntary organization or a small group. All users can register an organization or a private group. Other users can join an organization or group by choosing from the list or via invitation with a link.

Anyone can browse nearby events and sign up for volunteer work without registration!


“Kartlegging av behov, muligheter og løsninger for digitalisering av frivilligheten, Frivillighet Norge, 2018”

“Frivillighetsbarometeret, Frivillighet Norge, 2021”
